Wednesday, May 20, 2009

much overdue update

Hey all-just wanted to get back in the swing of things here and give the site an update. First off Lisa successfully gave birth to my baby daughter, Jenna Madison Kidd. Everybody is happy and healthy. Jenna is 3 months old now and is growing and changing on daily basis. Ryan loves being a big brother and is doing his best to teach Jenna all of the "fun" (ie bad!) stuff to do. I can tell he's going to be a great influence on her!

As far as racing goes-we're in a holding pattern until something sells. To recap, I'm trying to sell out my Pro-Cup equipment due to time constrants of the business and family responsibilities that I now have. I've said many times, I'd love to continue to compete in the Pro-Cup series. It no longer fits in my life, so it has to go. I'm a husband, father and son first and my first priorities are with my family and my family business. Beyond that, I've had lots of offers and calls on my stuff, we've just got to close the deal with someone. I've been holding some of the stuff for a guy, but I'm getting the feeling that he's dragging his feet for some reason. It's either that or he's not serious and jerking my chain. If anyone out there wants to go Pro-Cup racing, CALL ME! I will put you in it dirt cheap!!

I've got a LMSC roller from Billy Hess in the shop, ready to finish assembling. I just need some cash to buy parts and an engine. It is going to be a great race car. It's incredibly well built, a very well thought out and designed car. I hope to take as much care and put as much thought into finishing it out as has been put into it to get it this far. If I do, watch out-the car will be a major hot rod!

I keep getting the question as to when I'm going to hit the track. The best answer is by the end of the season. Optimistically I hope to be on track by July, realistically it may be September or October before it happens. When I get enough money for Don Kowalsky to start the engine building process, I will post a tenative schedule here for everyone to see. I will keep my travels short, primarily racing at Motor Mile and Lonesome Pine. I hope to do Martinsville, South Boston and Myrtle Beach this fall. If push comes to shove, (and I'm late in the season getting my car together), I may have to skip one or all of those races. It could be 2010 before I get on the track. If so, that will really stink, but I am prepared if that is the case.

Thats the racing update-I will post pictures of some of my travels (went to Vegas for Lisa's birthday and took Ryan to the Ringling Bro's Barnum and Bailey Circus) this spring and post a few pics of the new LMSC in the shop later on. I may even comment on the day's news and give you all my political opinions from time to time. I just remembered! I had made mention of an exciting new sponsorship deal in a previous post. That was to be a deal with the Livestrong Foundation where I was going to sell the sponsorship spots on the car as a charitable donation to the foundation. Make sense? Ultimately all sponsorship monies that I sold was going directly to Livestrong. My mom had cancer, (she's better now-fully recovered), many of my friends and acquaintences have had cancer affect them so it is a disease and cause that I have strong feelings about.

That's all for today-will be back later with pictures and comments.

God Bless-Carpe Diem-Hooyah!!


1 comment:

Dustin said...

As odd as this must sound, did you ever live in Lee Hall while you were at Tech?