Monday, March 10, 2008

Are we ready yet??

The question I keep getting is "Hey Michael-are you ready to go racing yet??" Well, the answer is uh, yeah. I've got one car ready (the Laughlin car that we finished the year out in last season) and the Hess car is almost ready to roll. I've got the engine in it, just need to finish the exhaust work up, fabricate the radiator ductwork on her and she'll be ready for the track. For the first time in my career, I'll have two kick butt race cars in the stable. I'm really excited about that.

I'm really excited about this racing season. First, I think our team is awesome. Secondly, I'm excited about the schedule. With a couple of exceptions (Milwaukee??), I think the schedule is awesome. Finally, I think I've reached a point in my career where I'm pretty content with what I'm doing and just plan on being myself on the track. I'll be more confident and a little looser at the track on race days. I learned a lot about who I am as a driver last season, basically, I'm just as good as any of these other guys. I learned that if I focus and apply myself, I can do anything they can do.

Now, I know the pre-season is for high hopes, dreams and maybe a little bragging but I'm not going to do any of that here. What I will do is share my goals for the 2008 season with you. My primary goal is to be competitive week after week at each race that I choose to run. Now what that means to me is that instead of riding around trying to protect the car and stay out of everybody's way (like last year) I'm going into each race to race. Maximum effort-don't hold anything back. It might be for 15th spot but I intend to race my hardest for each and every inch of that race track. I'm here to compete this season....Let's go race...

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