Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nothing New to Report but hope your Christmas was merry!

Hey all, Just wanted ot say a belated Merry Christmas to everyone. Nothing new to report on the racing front but from all indications there are things going on. Hopefully we will hear something from USAR soon. Until then all we can do is sit and wait.

I've been keeping myself busy, working at Kidd Tire, spending quality time with my family, setting personal goals for 2009 and doing my usual year end re-evaluation of my life. I like to spend this time quietly thinking about my life and where I stand in it. I have also thought a lot about what we were able to accomplish in 2008 with regards to racing and all that we left on the table.

I had high hopes for 2008 but reality quickly set in at South Boston in April. I thought we made good progress throughout the year. I am really proud of the way we ran in the three Championship races that we attempted. All said, I had a lot of fun this year and to be brutally honest, that is the only reason I race.

Hope everyone has a Great New Year-PLEASE BE SAFE....NO DRINKING AND DRIVING!